This project explores the theme of "the blurred boundaries between dreams and reality" by referencing Zhuangzi's allegory of "Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly." It uses butterfly-themed photographs to convey the idea of the impermanence of all things and the constant changes in life.
These works capture the surrounding environment through the black screen of a smartphone when it is turned off. At first glance, these photos may seem edited, but they are actually natural images obtained through reflection.
The project documents mundane everyday life through exaggerated images, trying to create an illusion of jumping out of real life in this way.
This project simplifies the process of photography by removing observation and contemplation, focusing instead on emotional expression. Through photographs, it aims to present the purest emotions from within.
It focuses on the warmth of family and community, and the cultural differences between China and Japan, particularly the one-child policy and the experience of loneliness. In addition, family memories are documented through photography and videography.